From the catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
On the streets,
From the catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
In the Metro
In Paris we are surrounded by the iconic images of Jean Paul Goude. His sensibility has infused the world for the past 40 years. He worked for a time in New York for Esquire Magazine.
From the catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
His extraordinary work with ravishing Grace Jones has left an indelible mark on us all.
From the catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
A fearless and evocative exploration of androgyny.
Perhaps he was inspired by the original exotic, Josephine Baker.
Josephine Baker 1926 Photo from my collection
His work in print, films, television commercials, and
spectacles is luminary.
From the catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
His drawings are marvelous. They are the first impulse of creation.
He even produced the Bicentenary of the French revolution.
He draws on everything with passion from ethnology, film, art, recombining these impressions in distinctive unique and very surprising ways
The catalog Jean-Paul Goude a Retropspective, Thames and Hudson
His cut and stretched Ektachromes, and his work for Gallery Lafayette are memorable.
The exhibition is well designed, it imbues one with a complete sense of the man, and his genius.
He is a person who truly has been making a difference in our collective consciousness, in the way we see things.
Musees Des Arts Decoratifs
The first piece one sees at the entry of the exhibition has a very personal significance.
I too have been inspired by the deformed craniums, magnificent coiffures, and exotic profiles
of the Mangbetu women. I collect original ethnographic documents.
I painted this in 1998.
100 cm. X 75 cm. oil on silver foil over wood with traditional gesso, like a giant Icon.
Photograph from my collection.
I suspect we were both inspired by the same original photo circa 1925.
Goude's version is three dimesional, larger, way sexier, spinning, and pumping out dance music.
It is over-the-top and totally fabulous!
By the way, her name was Nebozodru from the Mangbetu tribe, present day Zaire. she was very young, and the 15th wife of Koli, the chief.
Exhibition announcement 1927
Unbeknownst to Nebozodru she was an icon in France for many years after her photograph was taken during the Citroen sponsored African expedition .